Fresh Tracks

It's been several months since my last blog. I wish could say it's all due to the fact that I've been installing the new surface for my half-pipe but that acutally only took a weekend. My pops who works in the wood trade hooked me up with some factory direct b-grade outdoor skatelite for dirt cheap (apparently the same material is used for counter top surfaces). The rain has let up in these parts which means I've finally been able to take the new surface for a spin. First impression: it's faster and smoother than the old surface but just as hard on the body when you fall.
Labels: half-pipe, ramp, skate boarding, skatelite
Looks all she needs is a little umbrella. Wish I was up there skating her with you. Until I am I'll content myself with the youtube vid.
It looks pretty damn smooth. Might look better with a painting on it...
The ramp could definitely use an artistic touch, not only of the painting varietal but of the skating one as well. Needless to say, you two qualify for the task at hand. Mi ramp es tu ramp.
Hey, why didn't we hear about this?????
nice! now for the action photos.. ;)
cheers from amsterdam (sunny and beautiful.. 'bout to go for a skate to the beach)
Sweet, see you soon.
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