Monday, January 17, 2011

Mistress Eyes Nothing Like The Sun.

If only every day could start with a sunrise like the ones they have here.

The reason for the journey is not hard to find...

The swell dropped a lot today so we tried a place with a little more punch...

Chest high for the most part today...

But that didn't stop the wishful thinking...

My board and I had a long talk before this next wave where it was decided that we would split the peak. Shame The Daily Donkey isn't still around.

This guy had a better chance of getting barreled then me.

Still a few lefts to be had...

Four days in El Salvador went by in a blur...

Until next time.

Note: All photos taken by photog and surf guide extraordinaire - Joaquin Aragon @

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Man Standing On Water

The best thing about having someone photograph you surf session is you get to see yourself surf. The worse part about having someone photograph your surf session is, in my case, you get to see yourself surf. Style? Nada. Spray? Nada. Essentially every wave is a variation of me standing on my board in some stage of an evolutionary bumper sticker. At best I look like a bulgarian deadlifter, at worse, someone on a nordic track on water, although, unlike Alex Knost in The Present, I don't actually have a nordica track. Oh well. Should started 20 years ago.

Today I went to K59 again and got there just as the sun was rising.

The fact that the sun rises over water gives you a good indication how south El Salvador faces and why there's an unusual amount of rights. But the odd left can always be found.

What's more beautiful, a sunrise or a an empty line up?


First light right...



Oh the possibilities...what would Dane do?

Maybe I can just...

One size does not fit all...

Wasn't for a lack of trying...

Wave pool admission: $800 flight, $30/nt. room, $300 guide.

Worth it?

Swell picked up a foot today...

Unfortunately my surfing stayed the same...

After a an hour and a half of having it to myself, a guy from Florida paddled out. He was on a similar last minute excursion.

Nordic Tracking...

Tomorrow we're heading to a "secret" spot that is suppose to have a better barrel section. Fingers crossed.

Hasta manana.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Sunrises over water here...Early bird gets it to himself.

Could today be the day?

Butt shot.



You can do it big guy.

Empty lefts.

This one's all yours Ricker.